Interface banner
banner bar test smaller radio toxic roles2
chicken new hero 700


Client: PlayOn Development Contract.

Deliverables: Wire-frames, User Personas, User Story, Hi-fi prototype(Invision)

Goal: Design a fun and easy to use APP that will engage users with practical lottery information.

Story: Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner! PlayOn Development is combining the latest lotto API's with a friendly user experience to bring you the next generation in edutainment. I was given a proposal with three screens and asked to update the logo for app use as well as update the UI UX for usability and engagement.

Tools: Adobe Creative Suite, Pens, Invision, Sketch.

ace le lstrtegy banner2
New Hero Graphicoriginal screensoriginal screens new wireframesnew screens new wireframesUser Personas chickenuser story chicken fixpromo chicken done

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